149437 - Comparative Study of Multistage Cemented Liner and Openhole System Completion Technologies in the Montney Resource Play

This paper compares two multistage hydraulic fracturing technologies applied in the Lower Montney Formation: cemented liner and openhole multistage system (OHMS) completions. In-depth analysis was performed on field data from 15 wells divided into two separate geographical areas within the same field. Comparisons included production analysis, lateral lengths, number of stages, stage spacing, proppant volumes, and pump rates. Additionally, operational time and cost comparisons on a per well and per stage basis for both technologies were determined. Based upon the field data analyzed, application of OHMS for the wells selected in the two study areas resulted in both greater initial production rates and overall cumulative production than cemented liner completed wells. Additionally, less time was required to perform the fracture stimulation job when using OHMS technology as compared to cemented liners. Both the average total cost of completion and average cost per stage in conducting cemented liner jobs was higher than employing OHMS completions.